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Class of 2024 Speeches
Trojan Stadium during graduation

Read below all of the student speeches From Kent County High School's 53 annual Commencement Exercises, held Friday, May 31 in Trojan Stadium.

Guadalupe Duarte Arellano Guadalupe Duarte Arellano
Student Government Association President

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, incredible parents and, most importantly, my classmates, good morning and welcome to the 2024 Kent County High School graduation ceremony!
I feel lucky and honored to stand before you.
Today we celebrate our hard work and dedication, but also our personal growth and resilience. I am immensely proud of every one of you for pushing through the late nights and tiring mornings and for balancing all of life in between. Only you know how much you've fought to get to today and for this reason I admire each one of you.
First and foremost, I extend a warm welcome to all of the seniors. I want to commend each and every one of you for being here. We've conquered one of many milestones to come, so yes, it is a big deal. This is our moment.
On behalf of the senior class, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you and sincere welcome to our distinguished guests, teachers, staff, coaches, family and friends for their unwavering support and guidance. We recognize that we wouldn't be here today without all of these incredible people.
A special thank you is owed to our teachers, for nurturing the minds and hearts of the graduates.
To our coaches, thank you for your constant mentorship both on and off the field.
To families and friends, thank you for believing in us every step of the way and for your everlasting support.
To my mama, Gracias por tu infinito amor, apoyo y sacrificios. Has sido y serás siempre mi mas grande amor, mi mejor amiga y mi motivo de ser. (Thank you for your endless love, support and sacrifices. You have been and always will be my greatest love, my best friend and my reason for being.)
Thank you all for being here with us and we share this moment with you.
Graduates, remember to embrace this moment and just feel.
As you set forth in the world, do so with your head held high, a heart full of love and a devotion to making a difference.
Let’s go change the world, every single one of us!


Ryan Myers
Ryan Myers
Class President

Good morning guests, parents, facility and the Class of 2024. It is my honor to speak in front of you today, not only as your president but as your friend. 
I want to start off by congratulating each and every senior — We did it!
Four long years of hard work and dedication, and here we are, only a few minutes away from graduating and becoming Kent County High School alumni.
You all know it hasn't been easy getting to where you are today. Time and time again we were told “The blood, sweat, and tears will all be worth it in the end.” Looking back now, they were right: all the late nights, extra credit, and service hours were worth it. But in the moment it was hard, I don't know about you, but some days I just wanted to push it all away and give up.
However, it is in those moments when we want to give up and want to be done, that we learn the most about ourselves.
Who are you in the face of adversity?
Well, I believe the Class of 2024, is a class of fighters. Together we have persevered through hard times, fighting our way to be the best we can be, one day at a time.
So today I ask you: Keep fighting until you get where you want to be and keep learning, for the best fighters are never bound by their wisdom.
For the rest of your life, I encourage you to continue your education through college, careers and all of life’s experiences. Your mind is your key to success, and you never want to be locked out of your bright future.
I have found the best way to learn is by doing. Textbooks are nice for memorizing information, but there is a far better teacher when it comes to furthering your knowledge. Trial and error, and ultimately failure is the best way that we can learn. Therefore, I encourage you to try and try again. But when the going gets tough remember you are learning from the best teacher there is.
So, today I congratulate the class of 2024 for all you have done, and I encourage you to keep fighting and when you find yourself failing, remember success in knocking at the door.



Madison MessickMadison Messick

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, proud parents and, most importantly, the extraordinary graduating Class of 2024, here we are at the end of a monumental chapter.
I would like to start my remarks, but quickly thank every person who has supported all of us today. Personally, I would not be where I am today without my show stopping teachers, like the amazing Mrs. Saunders, the unwavering support from Jessie, my best friends, Addi and Gill, my wonderful boyfriend, Ryan and last but not least the best family I could have ever asked for, my little brother and sister who I will miss driving to school every day and to my mom and dad who are my biggest cheerleaders and my role models that I am forever grateful too. 
Now Class of 2024, over the past four years, we have navigated through a whirlwind of experiences, challenges and triumphs and despite every hardship, we persevered. Being here with all of you today, fills me with immense pride and hope for the future. The strength and courage I see in all of you is exactly why I was never fond of the phrase “I was born in the wrong generation.” Personally, I am honored to be a part of this generation. We may all be slightly addicted to our phones and have short attention spans but in all seriousness, we are the changemakers of the world. 
Yoko Ono once said, “You change the world by being yourself,” and our generation has never been scared of being authentic. We are continually unafraid to challenge the status quo, confront injustice and drive positive transformation. From advocating for social justice and environmental sustainability to promoting inclusivity and equality, we have proven time and again that our voices are not only heard but also heeded.
I have personally seen how each one of us possess a unique set of talents, passions and perspectives that, when unleashed, can create meaningful change and inspire others to do the same just within our small community.
As we continue onto the next chapter of our lives, let us always remember the authenticity and the courage to be ourselves in a world that often demands conformity. Let us challenge the norms, break down barriers, and build a future that reflects the values of compassion, empathy, and equality.
To my classmates, who I have had the pleasure of growing up with, I urge you to never underestimate the power of being you. We are the champions of progress, the agents of change and the guardians of a brighter tomorrow. Embrace your individuality, harness your passions and let your true self shine brightly for all to see.
Congratulations, Class of 2024 on this remarkable achievement. May your futures be as bold and brilliant as the people I know you are today. Together, let us continue to change the world by simply being ourselves.
Thank you!


Ben Loller
Ben Loller

Hello everyone, I am Ben Loller, Class of 2024 Valedictorian.
I am honored to be able to speak to you today. I would like to first thank all of the people who have helped me throughout my high school years.
The only words which come close to expressing how grateful I am are the words of Pope Francis, “Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.”
Thank you to my friends, my family, KCHS, and this community for helping me along this educational journey.
My fellow graduates, secondly, there have been and will be many wise words said this morning, you will not remember many of them, but do remember that wisdom must be gained through experience and as said by Bob Marley, “Don't sell your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold.” Stay true to yourself.
And lastly graduates, as we think about our next steps and paths after high school, I want to tell you a story about three skiers. 
The first skier focuses on all of the trees and ice patches in his way while the second skier focuses only on the path down the mountain. The third skier, who never made it to the mountain, forgot to set an alarm and never got out of bed. I believe there have been times when we could all relate to him.
On the mountain top the first and second skier begin their journey to the bottom. The first skier is so worried about avoiding the trees and ice patches that he becomes lost on his path to the bottom and must trek back up the mountain again.
When you become so focused and worried about the obstacles in your way you forget the reason you were even skiing in the first place. 
My advice to you today is to choose to be the second skier, then on the path to your success you will naturally overcome any obstacle or hardship. Stay focused on your goals, stay focused on the destination, stay focused on your experiences. And keep your path forever clear.  
Thank you and congratulations to the Class of 2024.